June 10, 2015 // Update

Hello Beauties,

I can say that i'm finally a high school graduate and officially a college student.
So far summer is great I mean I went to my first intense concert where a mosh pit was involved. I actually went in a mosh pit with the help of a friend that I made there. It was honestly so freaking cool!!!!! Something I will always remember to be honest.

Any who.. Summer has also made me realize how much i miss some of my friends that I used to hang out with. ESPECIALLY.. the one's that I barely got to know towards the end of the school year.
I keep contact with some of them but don't really see them as much blah. Honestly I was blessed to have met some awesome people before I even graduated since it will always stick with me the memories I had with them. Who they were. Their personality. Most of all how they added a little spice to my life which most random people don't tend to do. 
Well I actually have a little more time to myself so I have taken the hobby of skateboarding and crafting more. I started doing a journal for the second time in the hopes of actually putting use to it.

Journaling has not only pushed me to think more of societal concerns but actually research certain topics. Take for example the other day.. I was looking into women being rejected the right of sexual pleasure due to cultures. I then came across the practice of FGM which is a mutilation of the female private parts. In particular the clit which stimulates most of the orgasms from what i know. It saddened me a bit because well these individuals don't really get the choice of being able to feel the certain sensation since the practice is usually done at such a young age. A ted talk that inspired me to research more on this was done by Khadija Gbla! You guys should definitely check it out. Khadija herself had this practice done on her at a young age and discusses how her mother perceived empowerment through it. 
Well on this note, i'm going to go watch more Ted talks and journal more.

Signing off until next time, 


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