"¿que harias si te ganabas la lotería?"
"what would you do if you won the lottery?"
"mí vida sería mas tranquila"
"my life would be calm"
It's a constant topic that is brought up by mom, winning the lottery, the strive to change economic status in a small amount of time.
The obsession for financial stability by my mom has been a topic stressed since I was a young child.
Constantly hearing, "voy a comprar $3 de super lotto en la esquina" (i'm going to buy $3 worth of Super Lotto") , every Thursday afternoon as I sat glued to a kitchen table with my eyes locked to my computer screen.
Even as I attended school in San Francisco, 347 miles in between both my mom and I, the words "voy al casino ahora, echa me suerte" (I'm going to the casino, wish me luck), would eventually come up in our phone call conversations.
The disappointment at times of financial loss from gambling did at one point affect my mom emotionally, and mentally. It shifted her persona, and made her forget the difference between good/bad priorities.
Yet, the goal is present.
Everyday, on our long drives around the city running errands. The same question is asked:
"¿que harias si te ganabas la lotería?"
This constant question had made me realized what my constant goal is which I vocalize.
What do I strive for everyday? Is it materialistic or not?
All day I think of the future, how I want it to look, and plan the ways which I can achieve it.
Yes, that is a way to set a long term goal but what if that constant planning is really what I strive for.
The ability to change up how I want my future to look like rather than having a specific goal of "a house with a family", does it really have to be just one goal?
Do I not have the ability to change it up constantly that it may seem to others as me practically testing the waters on wanting a set goal?
Am i not able to strive for the idea of being able to have the choice of changing my goal?
Well, that is my goal.
My goal is to have the ability to change what i want for my future, I don't want a set goal because people change.
Sometimes we can have a set goal implemented in our minds for a long period of time that we don't acknowledge that "Hey, that's what i wanted 10 years ago when my situation was this way. Now i really don't want that."
I remember Loebs lecturing about people having a set goal as elementary kids of their future career in regards to character development.
Kids set their mind to wanting a certain career choice like wanting to be a doctor or a teacher.
As these kids grow up: environments change, and education illustrates insight on certain topics.
The individuals that once strived for the set career choice, learn that maybe they want to be something else but because they want to accomplish a goal set years ago. They dismiss this new goal which accommodates them as the person they are now rather than someone they were before.
Should we really set our mind to one goal then, if we change as a person as our character is constantly growing?
-Karla Yeseñia López