Do you like to have reassurance that your view is 'common' or do you like the fact of wanting to convert individuals in to another life form of you?
Yes it's great people are able to state their opinions on anything especially on social media platforms. However when it goes to micro judgements in stating your opinion such as "so as for those 16 year olds now a days" or "i didn't start doing that until I was 20 but now 10 year olds...".
Hello you are basically judging a certain individual for trying something you were possibly afraid of doing because you didn't want to be judged at that time?? Therefore aren't you doing the same thing your "oppressor" (any kind) was doing to you at the time you began peeking the same interest???
Why do you want to continue the cycle of oppressing an individual? Wouldn't you want to encourage the oppressed to not be afraid to try things they favor but are scared to because of judgement?
Of course everyone is biased on their judgement because of the environment they grew up in. Nothing wrong with that, it's how your mentality developed and in most cases it will always be there even if you are indifferent on it. It's will always be that little knot in the back of people's heads.
Therefore comments like "well I didn't get a tattoo until 18 so why did you get one if your 16?" or "omg you party a lot for 16 year old?! when i was 16 I was watching youtube videos."
Don't belittle someone. DON'T.
Much love,
Karla Yesenia López