01.26.17 : Thinking too much!!!!!!!

If you are seeing this right now, i'm currently having a little mental meltdown.

Highly due to the constant change our society is going through with the decision making an individual of zero common sense is doing. 

If you are unaware of what i'm talking about, click on these links: 

Yes, I am normally scared to talk about politics because I tend to not have a fast response when someone refutes my opinion. The awkward silence that follows is just embarrassing to me. Then the various thoughts of the end to my life/career of being a journalist come to mind.

A whole mess of unwanted thoughts that are detrimental to my strive of becoming a successful journalist. 

Another thought that is also melting the insides of my brain. The idea of not being able to succeed in a career that I really want to do. 

Hopefully i'll be able to direct more of this fear in another post but i'm going to leave this post at what it is right now. 

- Karla Yeseñia López

01.14.17 : Hey.

I find it quite interesting when others point out the annoying mannerisms I do. 
Obviously I don't seem to catch them but that's the great thing about having close peers right?

Some ppl I love on film

A phrase/behavior that I seem to do quite often is ending an unfinished thought or question with "never mind". 
It seems quite often that it's even had my partner on the urge of pulling his own hair out (or what is left of it).

As I reflect on it now, my purpose isn't to annoy anyone. It's just a habit that I can't scratch off or fling off of me. The habit is implemented in the crevices of my brain. 

If it were easy as just a phone call away, trust me that phone call would have been done a long time ago.

I mean come on imagine how juicy that phone call would be: 
"nope, i'm staying here until someone explodes from annoyance"
"damn. alright. see you later then".

 I mean... WOW! Us millennials really know our ways with words especially in persuading others. 

Well other than that spicy phone call fore play. 

We as humans of numerous capabilities can tend to fall into habits that we don't necessary notice or like.

It's hard to get rid of them.

Partner in crime 
The lack of finishing my thought is a major annoyance compared to the personal lagging habits of keeping up with my blog and photography.

Not a day goes by without me thinking about posting a blog or photographing, yet I never find the motivation to do so. I either end up with writers block or intimidation. 

The Garden @ The Getty 

It's the fact of comparing myself to others that bleeds out the motivation out of me. I get anxiety, and fear. Emotions that have deepened lately to the point where isolation is a necessary serving aid to smooth out the ridges.

I find it quite funny how emotions play a role in someones life.

cool water @ The Getty 

Come to think of it... it's rather a leading factor in someones life.

I have pushed those draining emotions to the side for the night to follow through with updating this blog as well with picking up my photography.

Well this post is sort of deep which is not where I was going for? A little out of my comfort zone to be quite honest.

I have also recently picked up photography both on my fancy camera and on disposable cameras. Something also out of my comfort zone.

Hey. I am back. 

-Karla Yeseñia López