03.20.17: nostalgia and nausea

Plane rides make me sick. 

The nauseous feeling from landing and taking off, plus the nostalgia of even coming home is what I hate the most. 

The nostalgia which overcomes me is mostly from new changes that happen in my home or in the city. 

Every trip I take home, someone in my family has either possessed something new, learned a skill, achieved a higher job position, found a new partner, or even had some tragic accident. 

Change is what I hate the most you can say, so when I realize the changes that have happened at home.... I freak out.

Obviously, not jumping off of a 22 story building freaking out 


 more of an internal screech freaking out. 

The change I have noticed this home visit is me.

I'm going through a lot of change in my life.
Most of it being physical such as attending a new school in the fall, moving homes (for the 892784th time), and seeking a new job.

Stressful? yes.

Is it something I want? yes. 

The emotions that are present while I prepare myself for the changes in the upcoming months is what makes everything 2001830x harder. 

Yet, emotions is what pushes every human to make decisions so should I really be hating? lol

Overtime, emotions tend to ease out so hopefully when time comes to say bye to my chicas it won't end up in sad tears but happy tears.

Hmmmm, i'm going to end this post here. 

A mind pedito has possessed all of my brain functions so I have writers block now, ugh. 

 - Karla Yeseñia López 

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