02.19.17 : Reflection.

"Flip the pillow 'til i'm fine
Pull the sheet over my head
Spend the next four years in bed"

M.A.D. - The Orwells 

I appreciate the composition of songs and the individuals that create the structure of a song. 

Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to say that no one knows songs can have a meaning. 

Who would of thought?!

I just admire the people that compose a song. It takes great skill to even focus on an idea for a song since there is a vast amount of ideas that can be used to create a song. 


Really, this is an indirect "Thank you" to The Orwells for having sweet jams in their new album, Terrible Human Beings. 

The actual purpose of writing a blog today is to reflect. 

Reflecting on past events that happen to us is a key element for learning. It helps hint at factors that you can work on to improve your overall character. 

The idea of just reflecting is a gateway to encouraging one self on personal goals, a pathway to success.

Right now, I have time to focus on myself. Work on my strengths and weaknesses or discover some of them. 


I am happy.

I haven't been happy for a long time, life was rough to me these past few months. 

Not to long ago, I was severely depressed and suicidal. 

It's hard to explain or describe the emotions that are tied to these confusing, unwanted mental thoughts. These thoughts that consume your life with no reason. They happen and sometimes there isn't an answer, even if you try to find a reason.

I remember not going out or canceling plans because dark thoughts would dominate my head. Laying there in bed for a full day without doing anything but just in thought. Killing my emotional state without even wanting to. I would try to dress myself and even walk for a bit but somehow I would end up in bed crying.

It is hard. 
It is annoying.
It is stressful. 

The only thing you can do during this dreadful time is be patient. Not try to google medication to consume so somehow this mental stage disappears from one day to another. Trust me, I did that and now I have unnecessary medication laying around. 

I decided to compose a list of all the things I want to do this year, key factors that I want improve in: 

  • travel the states and document (it)
  • get something published
  • network... networkk..
  • learn about myself
  • focus on talking about emotions 

I took these low light photos so I can practice on light reflection.

   - Karla Yeseñia López

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