Pleasure is a feeling that can affect emotion. A wave of pleasure that can influence an individuals actions.
Examples of pleasures individuals' possess range from BDSM, having multiple partners, preferring a gender over another, or strict "penetration only" relationships.
Institutionally, these pleasures or pleasures that fall out of the heteronormativity can be look down upon because of the man made concept of morality.
Heteronormativity signifies the act of having two binary sexes act upon socially acceptable sexual behaviors. Following binary rules that a "female" or "male" should act up on.
These internalized "job tasks" can be seen throughout the contexts of ancient texts on topics of love.
Recently, I have been reading up on various philosophers which challenge or reinforce these ideals.
They challenge the idea of religious influence on individuals, their obsession to obtaining the ideal relationship. A relationship that fits a heteronormative structure (two individuals of the opposite sex).
Yet, Masoch switches the dominating and recessive figures. Contradicting the binary: Male- dominating/active, and female - recessive/passive.
Masoch uses a goddess figure, Venus in Furs, to show the superiority of women possessing in a relationship. He also introduces a weakened, idiotic character of a male: Severin.
Religion is sarcastically praised for his argument of morality:
"The inventors of the Christian marriage have done well, simultaneously to invent immortality".
An ironic twist to religion bringing morality which is praised by society to be the way of living. When religion in Masoch's view introduces the restriction of an individuals own pleasures.
Religion creates rules which influence individuals to be afraid of expressing their pleasures through the encouragement of matrimony.
Despite, religion being the main argument Masoch speaks of, we can not dismiss the other influences that internalize the idea of heteronormativity as mentioned before.
These texts of love and the idea of heteronormativity have eased me through a recent breakup with a partner of mine.
My reaction to the ending of the romantic relationship has been dramatic, mainly because of emotions. The pleasure of having someone providing me with endless mushy emotions is the trigger to all actions i've taken in easing my emotions out.
I do frown upon the wording i've used in addressing my past partner about the whole situation. Although it's always been the way I take in the news about break ups.
Needless to say, time can only heal wounds. Over time, the friendship that we both held may or may not be regained. Until then, I can say that i'm learning to not question another's emotion or stance.
It's always a learning process for me (break ups) and has made me realize that the time to learn about myself has came. To take initiative in learning what my pleasures are or if having a partner is actually what I seek.
Do I want a partner simply because it has been taught to me growing up that every individual needs to have a partner by their side for the rest of their life?
If I do find a partner in the future, is it just for my pleasure of seeking security?
Pleasure is complex and I don't quite understand the fondness of it.
I for sure know that I am deeply sorry for being rude towards a good friend of mine.
(The pictures are for post decoration and an encouraging reminder to practice on my photography)
- Karla Yeseñia López
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