May 30, 2016 // Goodbye for now (kind of)

Well I recently just moved back home for the summer & then moved again to another city in the matter of 3 days. 


I'm kind of glad that we moved cities since I was done with the city that I lived throughout my elementary, middle, and high school days. 

Just like Beyonce states in her song "Sorry",

 "BOY, BYE".

I mean it was cool living in LH! Growing up in a city where everyone knew about each other yet were clueless about the person as well???

If that makes any sense??????? 

Basically you knew most of the people but probably didn't know much about them, a 'word of mouth' type of thing. 

There was also nothing really special about LH, at least to have late night excursions with ya pals.

Although same goes for the city I reside in now, it's basically LH but 10x bigger.
No 'hip' places to have excursions to :((((((((


Win, Win? or Loss, Loss??

Honestly I think I need to start getting on the work grind !!
Maybe I wont be as bored as I am rn????? 


I need to do the projects I've been telling myself that I would do!!!!!


¡Hasta Luego!!

May 23, 2016 // "End Of An Era"

2 days.

2 hours. 

43 minutes. 

The time I have left until I move out from the dorm where I lived in for the past school year.

The time I have until I don't see the friends/acquaintances that have been in my life for the past school year until next school year (or maybe even never). 

The time I have until I can devour food at the famous "Shitty Eats" and be contaminated by the greasy smell for the remainder of the day. 

The time I have to remember life events in detail that I have gone through this past year:    

(in no particular order)

-first (ACTUAL) job
- spontaneous tattoo & piercing trips
- long distance relationship 
- 2nd heart break
- kick back
- "Freaky Fridays"
- protest (Ayotzinapa)
- rap/R&B show
- (various) trips to a car repair shop due to careless driving
- family fights via cellphone
- mosquito bites on my face
- late night trips to the middle of no where
- vomiting in an Uber 
- tourist stalkers

I want to thank everyone that were a part of my first year in college (cheesy I know) but i'm feeling very 'emo' right now and reflecting on this past year. 

One thing however that I do regret is meeting people just recently towards the end of the year and taking action on my actual interests ("booming project", & picking up on photography). 

Every individual has regrets even if they deny them, we push ourselves when we realize that we can do something which in most cases is pretty late in our lives. 

I decided to make a playlist as well to kind of describe how my first year went as well. I love to make playlists so I took the advantage of doing so.

¡Hasta Luego!!

May 14, 2016 // Ph0t0s

It's currently Saturday, May 14 & i'm still in love with the outfit I had on yesterday so I am posting the pictures I took via photobooth on my Mac laptop.


Sorry if this is a bit random 

¡¡Hasta Luego!!